
Hello dear readers! How are you?


Today I will introduce a new friend of mine. He is very handsome, with a beautiful voice. His hobby is bell-ringing and he is named after a prince.



Also, he’s a budgie! Yes, this is my new pet, Barin.I’ve had him for one month now, and we have become good friends. He was very friendly right from the start though! He really is a lovely little bird, mischievous but so sweet-natured. He’s always doing something funny or cute!


I had been longing more and more to keep a pet here in Tokyo. I love being with animals and I miss my little cat in England so much. To begin with I wanted another cat, but my apartment is quite small and being on the sixth floor made me a little anxious for it’s safety. I’m not keen on letting cats roam, especially here where there are many ferals (poor things) who might fight with it or give it diseases.



I thought about small pets like hamsters and chinchillas, and finally thought of a budgie! They are not at all expensive, they are small, and I used to keep canaries so I am quite confident about taking care of birds. I found a pet shop in Meguro selling some baby birds and went there to get one (the secret mission I talked about some time before).


When I arrived all the babies were asleep! I wanted to choose the one that was friendliest and healthiest but they all looked terribly forlorn. I noticed one very beautiful rainbow coloured budgie though, who was destined to be known as Barin! I hung about the pet shop until they eventually woke up.


I had my eye on a blue baby who seemed most the most interested in getting to know me (meanwhile Barin was busily stuffing his face with seeds). I asked to try handling the birds, and as soon as I put my hand in the blue one ran away and buried himself in a pile of bedding! So much for him. Another baby began scolding me and biting my hand extremely hard, another was asleep again (he looked much younger and balder than the others). But Barin was quite calm, and gently nibbled my fingers in a well-bred sort of way. So of course I chose him to take home with me!



The girl in the shop said not to play with him for a week, but keep him quietly in his cage until he was used to his new home. However on the third day he began to call out when he saw me and climb about his cage in order to be in the place closest to me. He seemed so ready to come out and make friends that it seemed cruel to keep him in the cage! So I opened the door and he hopped right onto my finger. From that time we’ve been playing together every day! He likes sitting on my shoulder as I do housework or blog, mumbling along to songs, being tickled on the nose and neck, tap dancing on the rice cooker (obviously not when it’s on) attacking chopsticks and ringing bells. His flying was quite erractic and unskilled at first but he’s much better at it now. It used to be very traumatic watching him zooming about like a mad thing and trying to perch on things that couldn’t possibly hold him.



Maybe you’re wondering about his name, or maybe you recognise it? He is named after Prince Barin from Flash Gordon. I love the crazy 1980 movie, it’s one I watched with my father a lot so it’s special to me. I always thought the name Barin had a nice sound to it and it seemed to fit well somehow. Someday I will try to put a little moustache on him and see if there is a resemblance.



I’m so glad to have a new little friend, and I’m going to do my best to give him a long and happy life. I hope you’ll enjoy seeing pictures and videos of him here!


See you again soon,

Sapphira and Barin




19 thoughts on “Barin

  1. I didn’t know before that you could play with birds or that they even want to play with you, I always thought they are just sitting in their cages singing all day xD But your bird is so unbelievable cute and he has such beautiful colors!! Congratulations to your new lovely pet 🙂

    • I think it depends on the kind of bird, my canary was not so playful though he sang beautifully and was very handsome. But Barin is super friendly as you can see! Thank you so much (^∇^)

  2. Aww Barin is so photogenic!! I am secretly wishing for another excuse to play with him again ❤ I didn't know who he was named after, hahah! I haven't seen Flash Gordon but it looks like retro fun.

    • Thank you! As far as I know, a lot of apartments don’t accept pets, or else ask you to increase your rent if you want to keep animals. But I know a few other people bedsides myself who live in buildings that allow pets so it’s not terribly uncommon.

  3. I am quite envy. 😀 We have two budgies we also got them when they were babies…. but as they were two of them all the time, they are just not interested in getting friendly with us. They don´t bite us but they don´t want to be touched or anything. I just think I´d have to get a dog for cuddling and keep our budgies in peace and only watch them.. (which is a lot of fun too…)

    • Thank you, he is very sweet natured but rather mischievous at times! He only bites hard when he sees you holding a tissue, I’m not sure why but he has a thing for trying to eat tissues (≧∇≦)

  4. He is beautiful! Budgies are amazing birds – just as clever as the big species, without the brutal bites. They are one of my favourite birds, and very rewarding to train and work with!

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